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λ ౸ 縦 λũ, λOB ౸ǰ Ŀ

ۼ : / ۼ : 2021-05-18 / ȸ : 1055

- λOB Ȩ øī, κ, ũ Ŀ
- ䷹ “λOB п λ ౸ ”

λũ λOB౸ȸ ౸ǰ Ŀϸ λOB ౸ 縦 ǥߴ.

λ λOB 踦 ϰ ִ. λOB 忡 ã Ƴ ݷ 迡 췯 ְ , λ , Ʈ̴׺ ౸ǰ ϸ ȣ 踦 ̾ ִ.

λ ָ λOB ģ౸ȸ λOB Ȩ øī κ, ũ Ŀߴ. λOB λũ øī ԰ ׶带 ð .

λOB ȸ ䷹ “λOB౸ȸ õ ޶.” Բ “̺е ־⿡ λ ౸ ̸ŭ ־. 츮  ū Ǿ Ѵ.” 縦 ǥߴ. ε λ ؼ λOB Բ ü Ȱ Ȱȭϰ λ ౸ ȭ ̴.


'Thanks to Busan OBs to lead the development of Busan football' Busan IPARK donated the football equipment

- Busan OB received the Home replicas, a ball with signatures, masks
- Head Coach Perez commented "Thanks to OB, Busan football has developed because of them"

Busan I'Park donated football equipment to the Busan OB Football Association and thanked Busan OB for its hard work in developing local football.

Busan and Busan OB maintained a close relationship for a long time. Busan OB often visits the stadium and helps the team develop through generous encouragement and advice from their experience.

Busan sponsored the newly released home replica, ball with signatures and masks to all of Busan OB for the Busan OB-friendly football tournament held last weekend. Busan OB had a meaningful time wearing a replica of Busan IPARK and playing on the ground.

Head Coach Perez met the president of Busan OB, Kim Myungdeok and said that "Would you recommend any good player in Busan OB as a joke" and " Thanks to these people, this is why Busan football is able to develop so much. I hope it will be a good inspiration for our club". Busan IPARK will continue working with Busan OB to promote and develop the Busan football culture itself.
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