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λũ ䷹ LiveOn, νŸ׷ ̺ Ʈ

ۼ : / ۼ : 2021-02-21 / ȸ : 2203

2021 K2 غ λũ Ư ð غߴ. ٷ ䷹ ҵ ȭ ð νŸ׷ ̺ ‘䷹ Live·On(: Ʈ ڽ)’̴. 

䷹ ۳ Ҿ Ʈ ϱ ߴ. ䷹ ǽϰ ϴ ‘Ʈ’ ׵  Ȳ ȭ ̼ǰ ٽ ġ ϰ ׿ ̴. 

2޿ Ⱓ ԰ ÿ ģ ䷹ ϸ 鿡 Ʈ ó ҵ ϸ ȹ̴. ̹ ð ䷹ û õƴ. ׵ ䷹ ġ, Ʈ ׸ ䷹ ο ̾߱⸦ ҵ ó ȭϰ ʹٴ ̴. 

ҵ ټ νŸ׷ ̺ ̴. ䷹ Live·On 2 22() 19ú 30а ȴ. Ʒ Ⱓ ǥߴ , Ҿ Ʈ Ȳ ͺ Q&A ð ´. ̺ۿ ҵ ÷ ̷ 𵨶κν(50ml) Ѵ. 

λ Ʈ ô ȸ پ ҵ ƽ ذϱ SNS ä α׷ ҵ ȹ̴.


Busan IPARK Head Coach Mr. Ricardo Perez Live On, delivering the concept of 'project' through Instagram Live.

Busan IPARK has been busy preparing 2021 season, K League 2. They prepare a precious time with fans and Head Coach Mr. Ricardo is also going to be there and have a conversation (AKA: Project Unboxing) with fans on Instagram. 

Head coach Mr. Ricaro Perez took over the team at the end of the last year and wants to implement a project into the club. The "project" that Perez wants to implement is the process of establishing and following the mission and core values of the club, which has changed according to the operating situation, and setting up and implementing methods accordingly.

Head Coach Peres has been preparing for the season for about two months. He would like to share and communicate with fans about the project for the first time. This conference was arranged at Peres's request. At this time, he wants to talk about his thought on our core values, and explanations of the project.

The club chose Instagram because we believe this is the best tool to meet our fans. The Head coach Mr. Ricardo Live on is going to start at 7 pm 22 of Feb (Mon) and will last 30 min. He will talk about his goals and achievements during the winter training period. After a brief interview on the progress of the project, we will have a Q&A session for comments. Also, among the fans who participated in the live broadcast, they will receive a 50 ml "Thanks My leg Model Line Booster" through a lottery.

Busan IPARK will try to develop our SNS channels and non-face-to-face contents in order to handle this pandemic situation. More importantly, we will try to contact our fans as much as we can.
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